Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the bug

It might just be me, and if it is you can absolutely ignore everything I have to say after this, but has anyone else noticed how many people are getting married and having babies?

Maybe I'm seeing this as a trend having recently turned 24. Maybe it's the lack of prospects where I'm at. Maybe it's the number of people who seem to want to talk to me about marriage. Maybe it's the children I live with who seem to think it is a major character flaw that I am not married. Maybe it's living with a couple who actually show affection for each other. Maybe I just can't ignore it anymore. Maybe it's that I am also in a transition period, although it isn't the transition I would have imagined that I would be taking. Maybe I'm just bitter.

I always figured I'd be married by 21 or 22 and I never thought that I would ever feel as old as I do. Here's the thing though: I've done a lot of living.

How many people can honestly say that they have lived in Washington DC and worked in the United States Senate?

I can.

How many people can say that they fought the administrative structure of a University and won?

I can. I have two degrees to show for it too!

How many people get to be the Maid of Honor for their best friend?

You bet I did!

How many people get to live in Paris?

I did!

And now I get to travel across this beautiful country to San Diego where I will spend the next year of my life studying to prepare me to work with people that I am passionate about working with.

Do you know what?

My life is pretty incredible.

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